Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Warrior Draygon (excerpt) work in progess

She admired the strength of his powerful body. She wore the heels but he still towered over her. The gloss of his long ebony hair was beautiful to her. His hair hung down to his massive shoulders. He removed his cape and lay it down on the floor before the roaring blaze that crackled in the fireplace. The velvet lining of it was as deep and as rich as the blood that he knew flowed through her veins.
"Draygon," she breathed his name as his hands covered her swollen breasts. "I am your slave."
"As I am yours, Adriana."
His hands slid up to cup her beautiful face in them. He brought his lips down upon hers, tasting her sweet nectar. Lightening flashed through the dark curtains as thunder shook the house around them. The storm only excited them even more. Draygon's hands reached the deep neckline of her blouse and in one swift, violent action, ripped it from her body. The nipples on her exposed breasts beaded almost at once.
"Yes, Draygon, yes," she encouraged him as he bent his head to suckle as a baby would for milk. She arched her back to receive more of his ministrations.
"Adriana, my beloved."
His voice was tender as he removed the belt from around her. "What spell have you put on me this time? What magic do you weave?"
"The very same that you do on me, my darling." She began to unbutton his crisp white shirt. "Besides, you know that I cannot break the trust of the coven by telling you my secrets."
"Ah," he whispered knowingly. "Whatever your magic is, I like it very much. I want to take you." He looked into her eyes as he slowly removed the skirt from her. Now she stood before him in nothing but her stockings and heels. Draygon looked longingly at the dark juncture at the apex of her thighs.
"Yes. Take me," she moaned as she lay back against the cape. She opened her legs for him as he hurried to finish undressing. Naked, he knelt beside her. Her perfume intoxicated him. His lips drew back to reveal his glistening fangs.
"Taste me, My Lord," she encouraged him. "Taste me now."
He knelt between her legs and inhaled the musky scent of her. He licked at her moistness, lapping at her juices. She was so turned on by him, her state of arousal only encouraging him even more so. He bit her gently, taking her into his mouth. His hands fondled her perfectly round breasts. She cried out in ecstasy as he filled himself up with her.
"Yes, Draygon, yes!" she cried out. He buried himself deep between her legs, his tongue making sweet love to her. Now he came up to kiss her and she could taste her own juices on his lips. His fangs receded as he smiled at her.
"You witch." He gently nipped at her lips with his teeth. "You are a most enchanting seductress."
"And you M'lord are my weakness and love." She pushed him back gently down onto his cape and straddled herself on his lap. She guided him into her and began to move her body against his. Draygon watched in fascination as her breasts bobbed and heaved with each thrust and movement.
"Adriana," he moaned as he buried his face between the lushness of her bosom. He spurted his seed deep within her and she cried out a final time as her own juices poured out of her. She lay against him, her head resting against his beating heart.
"Draygon," she whispered his name. "I love you."
"My darling." His voice was gentle as his long fingers ran through her hair. "How I love you too."
Outside, a wolf howled in the rain. The sound gave them comfort. Draygon smiled again and revealed his fangs once more. He held Adriana to him and drank of her blood. She gave him what he needed, enough not to hurt or weaken her. They lay in each other's arms after he drank. They listened to the music of the storm as it played a symphony for them. The fire's blaze warmed them as they lay on red velvet together in the shadow of their passionate exchange, loving each other to death.