Nico Stallone started in the adult industry in January of 2007 and got his name for obvious reasons. His facial resemblance, and his overall physique; his friends began to call him Rocky, or Stallone. During college Nico worked as a bouncer at a strip club in Tucson. He got to meet all the featured female talent that way. Then, when he later ran a nutrition company, he dated a porn star who was moonlighting as a personal trainer.
A native of Fresno, CA. and has been and a competitive bodybuilder for 16 years. Stallone dropped a few pounds since starting in porn, during his first shoot. He weighed in at 260lbs and 6'2'' dropping about 25 lbs just over the course of the pass few months. Stallone has always been a porn connoisseur and remembers telling his wife at the time that if they ever got divorced he was going into the business. Eventually they did get divorced and remain the best of friends. He took the opportunity by networking at the 2007 AEE Show show in Las Vegas. I got to speak with him last week after emailing back and forth a few times. He is very open and equally amusing. I asked him what was the one thing he would strive for as a new comer to the industry and said his main focus right now would be to be voted Best Male New Comer this year at the next AVN Show.
I asked one of ladies he worked with recently, Syren De Mer about Nico and this is what she has to say about working with him and as a newcomer to the industry and how she feels he will give the other men a run for their money: "Nico performed extremely well that day. He got up at like 2 am to drive to the shoot. Took a nap when he got there, and then was able to do two full scenes with Lexi Carrington and I. I think he'll be very well known here very soon. And you don't often come across a white muscle guy, well endowed, and wants to do porn? Not often. He has a VERY warm caring personality. He's got a great mind for business! We hit it off very well. He's very intelligent, and a great personality. He's also VERY HOT Naked!!! is VERY respectful, he asked right up front if I kiss, which shows he has a romantic side since he likes to kiss and most guys in the industry don't. ...He has a lot of drive and ambition too."
Nico was nice enough to answer a few questions while I had him on the phone. I had a wonderful time talking to him on the phone and online as well via instant messenger. From what I see, he is indeed very gentle in his ways and true to what he wants in life. I do hope you all enjoy reading his replies. 1- Why adult movies and not mainstream? lol... I think I have really wanted do "porn" after the first movie I saw years ago - it was "the Postman Always Comes Twice" with Peter North. I thought it would be cool to be that guy (North). Also, I have always been very sure of myself in the bedroom - so why not get paid for doing something you enjoy and are good at!
2- What company are you currently working with and what are you working on? I am working with Clear Talent Management for an agency and am working on shooting consistently for different companies, trying to get my name out there and get some more exposure. Many companies are hesitant to shoot with new talent and are reluctant to give them a chance when the can use the same guys they always use.
3-What female talent have you worked with so far and who do you want to do a scene with in the future? Some of the ladies I have worked with: Syndee Jennings, Nadi Puket, Staci Thorn, Desire Moore, Savannah Stern, Paige Taylor, Hedi Mayne, Gia Govanni, Carmella Woods, Lexi Carrington, Syren.... and a bunch that I honestly don't remember their names :) As far as the future....a few off the top of my head would be: Tatianna Stone, Jesse Jane, Krystal Steal, Alektra Blue, Hannah Harper, Mary Carey, Nikki Benz, and Kayla Paige.......
4-How do you see the adult industry as a new comer? Very interesting! Totally Not what regular people think of it.... the average person thinks that we live the life or luxury, we are all rich, and have a carefree life with no responsibilities and no one to answer to! I still ask a lot of questions!
5-Can you tell me about the Barefoot Confidential from Kick Ass Pictures? Well, Barefoot Confidential is considered a fetish style of porn because the focus is not just on the girl and the sex....but it's all about the feet! In most of the scenes you can see the gals feet and of course i do a bunch of toe/feet sucking/licking etc. Savannah Stern and I put out a great scene. She was awesome to work with and we really had a blast filming... It was a cool - kind of cheesy story line- -I was the pizza delivery guy and she didn't have enough cash to pay for the pizza...lol. So we worked out a nice trade...free pizza for a nice piece of her...the catch was that i had to suck her toes! Good times! I guess Kick Ass liked my work because I also did a second Barefoot Confidential for them with Paige Taylor.
6- What is an average day like for you? If I'm filming then of course I am in porn valley (the San Fernando Valley). I always plan on being on set longer than expected because there always seems to be some kind of delay. I try to plan working a few days in a row so I can knock out a few days work and then leave. When I am not filming, I live in Fresno, Ca. Of course I spend some time each day networking and trying to set up new film shoots. I also try to answer personally any emails I get from my fan club and My Space. Depending on the day I usually answer between 5 and 50 My Space letters a day. I am also a nutritional counselor, so some of my day is spent meeting with clients or working on their nutritional plans. I am also in the process of editing a book for my father. Don't forget... I hit the gym by 6 p.m. and am usually there for an hour or two, 4-5 days a week.
7-What advice do you have to offer to those considering entering the adult industry? Be honest with yourself and set solid boundaries from day 1. Be very clear to companies and agents, about what is on your YES and No list of things you are willing to do. They will try to push your limits if you don't stand up for yourself. Also, ask alot of questions to industry people who have a Good name in the biz, and if you can find someone who will shoot you straight and be honest about their experiences then use them as a resource in the future to give you some guidance. Also - don't just promote yourself on how big your dick is! Someone will always be bigger, so have more to offer than just that!
8- How did you come by your professional name? My nickname growing and playing football was Rambo when I was younger and it changed to Stallone when I hit High School. They said I look like Sly Stallone, and I guess the name stuck :)
9- What goals do you have as a performer in the industry? I would like to be a well rounded performer. I don't just want to do Gonzo type movies - I am more interested in feature films where I also get to act and play characters. I think I can be a good feature actor too, in addition to putting on some good sex! Some guys just want to screw, but I'd like to be known for having some finesse.
10 - How do you feel about other male performers letting a female use a strap-on on them? Great for them! Not for Me! Seriously, I am way too Alpha Male for that...it doesn't interest me one bit :)
11- How were you received on your first shoot? Was the female talent intimidated by your physical size? My first shoot was for Layla Jade's company house of Jade. Layla was great to work for, she is truly a doll - great person. Honestly, I walked in and pretended like I was a veteran, very confident. Gia Giovanni and my porn gal, all of about 5'1'' and maybe 100lbs soaking wet. Just my type! Big turn on! So we had a great bj scene and it was really cool, towards the end I stood up, grabbed her and flipped her over so she was blowing me upside down! Then I lifted her over my head and put her down behind me. To top it off the pop shot was just crazy...huge! I think her words were: "holy shit! geez, if you ever need to do a 'shower me in cum' movie, you only need one guy, Nico, shit that was a lot of cum!"
12- What type of woman are you attracted to on and off the set? OK - I'm a sucker for petite blondes. If you want a great sex scene, put me with a little blonde with a great ass and I will give you one awesome scene!
13- Do you have any pet peeves? My biggest peeve is chicks with attitudes. I mean, lets make it easy for everyone. Put the ego aside, get into (or pretend to) the partner you are working with and have some fun and put on a good sex show. Seriously ladies, if we have to have a hard on for a few hours, don't just sit there and pretend it's gonna be rock hard with no stimulation. You wouldn't ask the guy you bang off the set to do that!
14- If there was something you could change in the industry, what would it be? Just that everyone would respect each other and realize that this is the greatest job on earth and have fun. Don't just walk in and announce that you are here to fuck just because the money is good. Secondly, I'd like to see the guys get more props from the companies. I know that the girls are the center of attention, but without our dicks, its just a bunch old tired lesbians. Pay rates should be more in line with each other....like SAG....maybe we need a porn actors guilds to level the playing field!
Thanks to all my fans and Ravyn!!! xoxo- Nicohttp://www.myspace.com/nicostallonehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/nicostalloneofficialfanclub
Nico Stallone is literally the new kid on the block who in all sense of the word is going to take the adult industry by storm. Focused already in wanting to be nominated as Best New Comer, and looking even further than that into producing and directing. Nico has a long road a head of him. In an industry where men are not held equally as women and the competition stiff something which he is very familiar with Nico's will and determination to have his name up there with the best well known male performers (Tommy Gunn, Evan Stone, Marcus London) is well into the making . I want to his Nico the very best for all of us here at DVD Talk and thank him for his time. I look forward to watching him grow as a performer and I wish him the very best in making his way up there to be nominated for Best new Comer! I also want to thank Syren De Mer for her take on newcomer Nico Stallone and looking forward to my interview with her.
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